If you have read any of our blogs or grasped anything from our brand, you will know that we are all about cutting through the digital clutter and boring marketing to make your brand known and loved amongst your customers/prospects. You may be thinking, ‘But how can I make my marketing efforts memorable?’ Drum roll 🥁… enter handwritten direct mail marketing. An original and truly effective marketing strategy, great for B2B companies, demonstrating how small details can create BIG impact.
Lets address the elephant in the room, blanket marketing
When we say blanket marketing, we are referring to the impersonal and generic ads you delete from your inbox or toss away without ever really acknowledging. You can argue that this type of marketing casts a wide net and therefore may reach a larger audience, however, there really isn’t any personalisation or interest to hold the receiver’s attention, and therefore this method often falls short. Companies that rely heavily on this tactic are really missing the opportunity to create genuine and memorable customer relationships and ability to connect to them on a deeper level.

Why personal works
Direct mail marketing has a way of breaking through the usual bombardment of generalised marketing, as we have already mentioned. Because of this, it has grown in popularity within the marketing world. However, not all direct mail does the job as well as others. Handwritten direct mail adds a level of personalisation that no other form of mail marketing can. It captivates the audience and showcases a higher level of consideration and thoughtfulness towards the audience, establishing a deeper connection and level of trust. This extra effort can make all the difference when targeting prospects or nurturing current customer relationships.
Personalised handwritten messages increase the engagement rates massively as people are much more likely to engage with something that addresses them personally. Especially as they probably haven’t interacted with a handwritten letter for a while! From this they will have more enthusiasm for what the mail holds and are far more likely to take action. This is a great option for B2B marketing strategies, where you will be set apart from your competitors in the mounds of generalised marketing that decision-makers receive daily.

Some small details that drive BIG results
Even these small changes to your campaigns can have a great impact on its effectiveness and success. Here’s some great examples:
- Custom messaging. Make sure that you are taking the time to get to know your audience personally. Add touches in your campaign like their name, and references to their company or career journey that are specific to them. This creates much deeper connections and they’re much more likely to take action.
- Personal touches to an already great campaign. You may already have a great campaign, but it’s just lacking that little touch of personality. With handwritten envelopes, we often find that just the authenticity of the envelope is enough for the recipient to pick it up and read, which already puts your campaign ahead from the rest. Also, just adding a handwritten sign-off or signature in the campaign creates a sense of higher trust.
- Good quality stationary. So important! The materials you use in your mail marketing gives the recipient a good idea of how much time and effort you have invested in your marketing campaign, and ultimately how much their time and investment means to you. It also is a sign of credibility and professionalism of your brand.
By adding any of these small details, you can transform your usual campaigns into something that’s a powerful influence in connecting and converting your target audience.
To conclude
We’ve talked a lot about blanket marketing and how the small details make all the difference, but handwritten direct mail really does offer a direct and attention grabbing way to create authentic and long lasting relationships with your target audience, which makes all the difference when trying to drive sales, increase loyalty or just stand out in the market. It’s the little things that are remembered.
Contact us today for further help and advice:
01780 908124 or hello@roboquill.io