Lead Generation; Is Quality AND Quantity Possible?


Add the Personal Touch to Personalisation

Giving the personal touch to mass marketing is what all great lead generation experts constantly seek to improve on.  The job of a lead generator is first and foremost to grab the potential customer’s attention – AIDA as the marketer’s maxim goes; Attention, Interest, Desire, and Action.

Personalisation to get your target audience’s attention has evolved so much from Microsoft’s mail merge, through the rise of digital printing, and latterly with personalised landing pages.  What was once special, is now the expected minimum.

Marketing Lead Generation in 2024 – The Rise of Humanisation

The trend we are beginning to see strengthening is the rise of ‘humanisation’ in personalised direct marketing.  Companies such as Vidyard and Currys live video chat are great examples of utilising personal video to gain the attention and engagement of prospects in a more human-friendly way.

How will this increase in Humanisation affect Direct Mail in 2024?  It’s known that physical Direct Mail now achieves far higher open rates than email and this will be a key marketing trend through 2024 and beyond.   Research shows that the value of physical direct mail is growing with each generation, as the more time we spend on screens the more we value the effort someone has gone to post you something.  A neuro-marketing study conducted by USPS and Temple University found that physical mailing has the best brand internalisation with today’s active shoppers and career climbers; Millennials and Gen Z.

Whether you know the contact’s name or not, a surefire way to get someone’s attention to your message is to hand-write them a note.  People buy from people, and the sight of a handwritten note not only stands out from the usual direct mail they receive; but piques their interest and desire to know more. 

How can you fail to take action when someone has gone to the trouble of sending you a personalised, real ink letter or beautifully written invitation?  Handwritten envelopes are always the first to be opened or passed along to the addressee, and a letter is remembered for far longer than an email.

How to Gain Quality Leads at Scale in 2024

“But” I hear you say, “Lead generation is all about the numbers, hand-writing 1000s of letters is a crazy idea” 

Yes, lead generation is top-of-funnel marketing so the volume of contacts made is key, along with the conversion rate as we move through the customer journey. 

Enter RoboQuill… humanising direct mail with real pen and ink (plus some behind-the-scenes high-tech).

There are a growing number of quality brands building RoboQuill’s writing into their B2B lead generation strategy as well as B2C luxury consumer goods.  By using RoboQuill, you can mail out thousands of real-ink, real-penned, personal letters or handwritten notes to prospects.  There is no printer and no fancy font – writing is done by robotic hand, onto quality writing paper or your company letterhead, bringing that wow factor back into your high-volume mailing campaigns.

Lead generation for high-value contracts in B2B and big-ticket items in B2C luxury markets is particularly challenging to get right, with greater expectations and competition for the buyer’s attention higher than ever.  Resurrecting that exclusive, hands-on Direct Marketing medium of letter-writing to deliver your message with its tactile, physical experience is a gift for today’s creative lead gens and BDMs.   

Contact the team at RoboQuill to discuss ideas to embrace the power of the pen in your Lead Generation strategy in 2024.

01780 908124 or [email protected]

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